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Born on  26.10.1951, village Baraboi, Dondușeni district.

Graduated the Faculty of Law, State University of Moldova (1977). Lawyer, member of the Bar Association of the Republic of Moldova (1977-1980); Judge in Frunze District Court, mun. Chisinau (1980-1990); President of Frunze District Court, mun. Chisinau (1987-1990); Chairman of the Committee on assessment, admission and promotion of judges (1988-1990); Member of Parliament of the Republic of Moldova (1990-1994); Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee (1990-1992); Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova to the United Nations (1992-1996); International Judge, European Court for Human Rights (1995-2001); Legal Adviser, Monitoring Department of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg (2001- April 2002); International Judge, Constitutional Court of Bosnia - Herzegovina (2002 -present); International Judge, Criminal Division of the Supreme Court of Kosovo (April 2002 - January 2004) ; International judge, the UN Mission in Kosovo, President of the UN Commercial Court (January 2004 - December 2008); Member of the Parliament of Romania (December 2008 - December 2012). Judge at the Constitutional Court from February 2013.

Legal Advisor and Program Coordinator within United Nations Development Program on strengthening the legal and judicial sector (1996-1998).


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