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The Role of the Constitutional Court in Solving Conflicts Between State Authorities. The Experience of Germany and Moldova


On Wednesday, 11 October 2017, in the premises of the Constitutional Court of Moldova (CCM) discussions were held on the cooperation between state authorities and the role of the Constitutional Court in solving them.

As experts of the Round Table ”Cooperation between state authorities. The role of the Constitutional Court in solving ”conflicts” between state authorities”  were invited  the former President of the Constitutional Court of the Land of Saxony in Germany - Mr. Winfried Schubert and the former Judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany - Mr. Reinhard Gaier.  

Opening speeches were addressed by the President of CCM, Mr. Tudor Panțîru and by the German Ambassador in Moldova, H.E. Iulia Monar. 

The discussions were focused on such topics as the role and powers of constitutional authorities in Germany and the Republic of Moldova, relationships of CCM with other state authorities, the role of CCM in ensuring the rule of law etc.

The discussions were attended by invitees from public authorities and academia.

The event was organised in cooperation with the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ Foundation).

This is an English language courtesy translation of the original press-release in Romanian language.

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