Domnica MANOLE

Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova

Born on June 4th 1961, graduated from the Law Faculty of Moldova State University (1990).

Judge of the Chișinău Court of Appeal, Civil and Administrative Panel (2005-2017); Judge of the Court of Law of Ciocana District, Chișinău (1990-2004); Consultant within the Supreme Court (1985-1990).

Lecturer within the Law Faculty of Moldova State University (2015-2016); Trainer at the National Institute of Justice (2011-2017); Trainer for the Council of Europe (2012-2016); Vice-president of Pillar I of the Strategy for the implementation of reforms in the judicial sector (2011-2014).

Awarded the "Excellent" qualification, granted by the Decision of the Evaluation of the Performances of Judges Panel of the Superior Council of Magistracy Nr. 54/6 of 20.11.2015, as well as the highest grade of 100 points, obtained by the Decision of the Selection and Career of Judges Panel Nr. 146/16 of 10.12.2015.

Awarded the "Veteran of the judicial system" ("Veteran al sistemului judiciar") honorific title by the Decision of the Superior Council of Magistracy of 29.09.2015, for a 25 year activity as judge and an impeccable behavior, the Diploma of Honor of the Superior Council of Magistracy of 07.02.2012 for the success achieved in the execution of justice and conscientious attitude towards the work obligations.

Named judge of the Constitutional Court by the Decision of the Parliament Nr. 121 of 16.08.2019. 

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