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The President of the Constitutional Court, Alexandru Tanase, met with Secretary General of the Venice Commission, Thomas Markert


In the period of 5th to 9th of November 2012 the President of the Constitutional Court, Alexandru Tanase, paid a working visit to the European institutions. On this occasion, Mr. Alexandru Tănase met in Strasbourg with the Secretary General of the Venice Commission (European Commission for Democracy through Law of the Council of Europe), Thomas Markert.  

During the meeting, the two officials exchanged views on promoting stability in the Republic of Moldova after the election of the President, providing fully functioning democratic institutions, as well as regarding the Venice Commission's contribution to the development of democratic institutions in the Republic of Moldova.

In particular, the both officials discussed those two requests of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova addressed to the Venice Commission in order to obtain amicus curiae opinions on observance of democratic standards upon banning of the use of communist symbols for political purposes and limiting judicial immunity for crimes of corruption and traffic of influence, complaints pending before the Court.

In this context, it was discussed the possibility of including these topics on the agenda of the next plenary session of the Venice Commission to be held in December this year.

In the discussions held, the two officials had an exchange of views on constitutional reform referring to the constitutional reform in the Republic of Moldova including through the prism of the recommendations made by the Venice Commission on this subject, as well.  

At the same time, Mr. Alexandru Tanase informed the European official about the intention of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova to develop the unconstitutionality exception mechanism in order to enable a growing number of people to benefit from the access to constitutional jurisdiction, an initiative welcomed by the high ranking European dignitary.

In this context, the Secretary General of the Venice Commission mentioned the Venice Commission's willingness to continue assisting the Republic of Moldova in the field of constitutional justice.



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