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Meeting with the delegation of the European Court of Human Rights


On 21 May 2024, Ms Domnica Manole, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova received the official visit of Ms Síofra O'Leary, President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), accompanied by Ms Diana Sârcu, Judge elected in the respect of the Republic of Moldova and Mr Abel Campos, Deputy Registrar of the European Court.

The meeting was also attended by other present constitutional judges, Ms Viorica Puica, Mr Vladimir Țurcan, Mr Nicolae Roșca and Mr Serghei Țurcan.

It is the second visit of a President of the European Court to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova.

The meeting was held in the context of the participation of the delegation of the European Court of Human Rights to the XIXth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), organized by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova.

During the bilateral meeting, the President of the Constitutional Court reiterated the incommensurable benefits of applying the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.

The President of the ECtHR stated that the relationship between the European Court and the national courts is a two-way road, referring to the dialogue between judges and the circulation of legal ideas. 

The following discussions outlined topics such as the justice reform in the Republic of Moldova and the procedures for issuing the advisory opinions by the ECtHR for the national higher courts.

At the end of the meeting, Ms Síofra O'Leary signed the Constitutional Court’s Book of Honor.


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