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The Constitutional Courts of Moldova and Georgia Signed a Cooperation Agreement


The President of the Constitutional Court, Alexandru Tanase, and his Georgian counterpart, George Papuashvili signed a Memorandum of institutional cooperation in Batumi on Saturday, September 22, 2012.

The Agreement promotes the exchange of experience between the constitutional jurisdiction authorities of the two states in ensuring the constitutionality of laws and other regulations.

Thus, the Memorandum provides for the organization of bilateral meetings of representatives of constitutional courts to address current issues of constitutional jurisdiction of common interest.

Also, the two courts will exchange decisions, judgments, opinions taken and other legal, scientific and expertise materials.

After signing the agreement both presidents held a press briefing.

"The signing of this Memorandum is a very important event for the constitutional courts of the two countries, because we want to go along on the path of constitutional justice modernization in the two countries and develop the role of constitutional jurisdiction in affirming the supremacy of the Constitution, respecting fundamental human rights and freedoms and ensuring the balance of powers," said the President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia, George Papuashvili.

In turn, the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandru Tanase, underlined the very good cooperation between the two constitutional courts. "The visit to the Constitutional Court of Georgia has a deeper purpose than signing a Memorandum of Cooperation. We have many things in common. This Memorandum is an additional element bringing us closer to each other and providing a certain sustainability to the partnership that we established in November. Georgia was, is and will remain a friend and an important partner of the Republic of Moldova in its European course. The Memorandum signed today is the beginning of the activities planned for the coming years," said the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandru Tanase.

The Memorandum entered into force upon signature and is concluded for an indefinite period.



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